The Collection Agency

What is the collection agency? It is a business that is designed to function as an extension of a business.

Debtors are clients, customers, and even patients. Most of the time you still might want them as repeat business.  Sometimes people run into problems.

Have you ever thought about what the agency has been doing and how they treat your client?  Are they treating them with respect and dignity?

Nobody likes to be treated poorly. I have been in the collection business for the last 40 years since 1979 and one of the many things that I have learned is that if you talk to someone as a person with respect and dignity and find out what the problem is it can usually be resolved.  The collection agency should NOT be cursing people out, yelling at them or threatening them. People do not go to jail for being unable to pay their debts.

Take a look at the agency that you want to do business with. How long are they open? How many complaints do they have?  If an agency has been open over 30 years then they are doing it right. They are treating people with dignity and respect and at the same time collecting your money and solving problems.  They would be the agency that you want working for you as they will treat everyone the right way.

I would like to recommend an agency that can help you. International Recovery Associates, Inc. They are based in New York and have been in business since 1986. I urge you to look at I.R.A.


Steve Taylor
Director of Business Development
International Recovery Associates, Inc
954-546-0665 voice
631-382-8730 voice
631-360-0086 fax


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